Friday, 6 February 2015

Insanity..Is it?

The word psychopath garners a mixture of fear and derision, whenever spoken aloud. Instinctively, for those of us possessing healthy, functioning brains and a dominant conscience governing it, are at odds with this particular minority group.  Minority, because psychologically troubled and disturbed individuals are a rarity, and with their extremely unobtrusive identities, few are exposed to the world- it is highly unlikely anyone walking down the street would stumble across one, since most psychopaths like to keep low profiles. True, that there are some who seek publicity and have a sick, distorted way of revealing themselves to the world, like serial killers for example, who seem to ‘’bask in the glory’’ of what they have done, and as per observers, witnesses and experts their attitudes display a complete lack of remorse or regret for the heinous crimes they have committed. This is also one of the distinctive characteristic seen in most psychopaths, a behavioral trait recognized to be as strong, concrete evidence of mental degeneration, that the person responsible for atrocities, is aware of the fact that they are a threat to the society, and must be subjected to reparation, either by solitary confinement or ostracism. This is where we can draw a fine line of differentiation between lunatics and psychopaths. Although both are victims of psychological abnormality and mental incapacitation, the manifestation of their inner anomalies are subjectively dissimilar. Maniacs and lunatics refuse to embrace the truth about their mental volatility, whereas ‘denial’ is particularly nonexistent among psychos.
As per the general definition, psychopaths are commonly defined as people displaying abnormally violent or destructive behavior, with a tendency to inflict grievous bodily harm on people around them and themselves.  Arguably, there are different types of psychotic disorders with disparate symptoms and varying degrees of enormity.  Some are simply high functioning sociopaths with the extraordinary IQ and intelligence of an extraterrestrial equipped with unerring deductive and analytical prowess, transcending those of which of an average human being. Some suffer from delusions and hallucinations, while others maybe schizophrenic, triggering an ersatz sense of insecurity, vulnerability and paranoia due to visualization of ‘’supposedly’’ pernicious imaginary entities. Then there are ones who are patients of obsessive compulsive disorder, showing intense and unwavering obsession evoked by any pervasive or intrusive thoughts or incidents, the implications being, incitement of compulsive behavior which may, in extreme cases, be suicidal. Cases of Dissociative or split personality disorders are one in a million, but is perhaps one of the greyest areas of parapsychology, and although widely contended as an abstract hypothesis by many, theories involving alter egos and multiple identities are nevertheless, intriguing.

How would a person react if one fine day, his wife went missing all of a sudden? The first dreadful thought crossing his mind would be kidnapping or forced abduction. But what if the truth behind the disappearance is so appalling and inconceivable that it leaves the husband utterly flummoxed?  The realization that the disappearance is in fact a malevolent plot by a villainous, vengeful wife to frame a husband embroiled in infidelity, is bone-chilling. But the biggest mystery awaits to be unraveled. The terrifying question awaits to be answered. Can two psychopaths live under the same roof, ostensibly  labelled as husband and wife?  You might be wondering how this article took a sudden turn toward a strange, disturbing story? Well this is what Gone Girl is all about.
The movie has created quite a hype among the global audience, with its bizarre and scintillating storyline. Raunchy, explicit and salacious- this just about summarizes my personal impression about the movie. The content is disconcerting, and kudos to the lead actors for being able to pull off such dark and animalistic portrayal of human souls.  Contentious Issues like domestic abuse and adultery were exhibited in a new light, and I must say, and to be honest, it was not at all pleasing to the eye.  The calculative, conniving murderess enacted by Rosamund Pike was difficult to come to terms it, and I found myself shuddering every time, the camera focused on her manic expressions. Ben Affleck gave a flawless performance in depicting a shrewd Don Juan feigning emotional devastation. However the whole 150 minute affair might be traumatizing for some, especially for those who have a penchant for escapist films.
Keeping a broad mind might be a good option if anyone is inclined to watch such a film. It isn’t everyday that we come across  cinema so unsettling.  Just don’t allow the darkness of the plot engulf your brain.
And be careful not to let the imprint of the film haunt you..

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