Thursday, 9 July 2015

The Call.

How do you really define mercy? Or compassion?
 When you were a toddler, you were always up to some  mischief or another. Fast forward ten to twelve years, you're still the troublemaker poltergeist, except for the fact that the magnitude of your mistakes were no longer the same, and the enormity changed with time. Now does that mean your mother, who always manages to catch you red handed, embroiled in your 'not-so-tolerable' misdemeanor, chucks you out of the house and god forbid if your father is an accidental witness to your 'colorful exploits' , disinherits you ?  They will admonish, chastise and when needed hand out severe punishments. But do they ever leave your side or abandon you when you need them the most? Do they refuse to acknowledge you as their offspring even after you've repeated the same mistake, for the millionth time ?
They love you unconditionally, and know you better than you do yourself. They know you are vulnerable and prone to error. That is why they forgive, and forget. Their love is indeed their mercy.
This is why you are forgiven when you've sinned. Because your lord is compassionate. Forgiving,
Because he loves you. With all your vices and virtues. With the good and the bad, the black and white. Pure and Impure.
When you ask him to protect you when nobody else can, solve your problems when everything else fails, show you the right way when you realize you're stranded and lost in the middle of nowhere, grant you ease when the hardships and sufferings won't cease, strengthen you when you're frail and weak, give you courage when even the slightest challenge fills you with an unknown fear..
He knows you have come back to him. It may have taken you days, months or years..
But He knew. He always knew. That something inside you will change, that the misplaced key to your locked heart will be found. That your barrenness will become a fountain of faith.
All you need to do is ask. Call upon him.Open up to him. Reveal what you have sealed within you.
Indeed He is the Turner of hearts. And indeed the best of listeners.
So dial his number at least once in the next few days.He awaits your call.
And I promise you, the network is never busy.

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